Advantages Of Mouthguards

Mouthguards are types of dental devices that protect your teeth from further grinding while you are playing sports or suffering from sleep apnea. They can also help relieve stress by reducing snoring and treating sleep apnea. Your Winchester dentist may suggest one of these appliances if you have bruxism or other oral issues. These appliances can protect your teeth from decay and harm. These act as a barrier and can considerably improve the health of your teeth. Our dentists at Smiles Of Virginia will discuss why mouthguards are so important in this blog.

What Are Mouthguards?

Your dentist in Winchester will make you a mouthguard. A mold of your teeth will be utilized to make a mouthguard that fits comfortably in your mouth. They fit significantly better than stock or boil-and-bite mouthguards, making them more secure and difficult to remove accidentally while sleeping. These mouthguards are ideal if you grind your teeth, snore, or suffer from sleep apnea. Many dental insurance policies will partially or completely cover the cost. Do you have trouble deciding which mouthguard is best for you? Visit our dental office for the right advise.

Importance Of Mouthguards

The best Winchester dentist has created a list of benefits to assist families in making more informed decisions about dental mouthguards.

Perfect Texture

The thickness of your mouthguard will be determined by the sports you participate in. A boxer’s mouthguard will be significantly thicker than a tennis player’s. Boxing is more likely to cause serious oral injuries than playing tennis. This will ensure that you are properly protected when participating in sports.

Comfortable To Wear

Mouthguards are very easy to use since they don’t come off easily. This makes the healing process a whole lot easier. You can also engage in sports without feeling uncomfortable. What are you waiting for? Get your mouthguards today!

An Affordable Choice

Our mouthguards are reasonably priced. They help to protect you while also allowing you to save money on restorative procedures. They’re also good for your oral health and can help you avoid problems in the future. Hence, by using these devices, you could save money on future dental procedures.

Perfect Fit

Your dentist in Winchester will make a cast of your teeth. After that, it’s sent to a dental lab to be made into a personalized mouthguard for you. This is created just for your mouth, so it will fit and function properly. A one-size-fits-all approach isn’t always the greatest option.

Perfect Protection

When you clash with another player, a mouthguard protects your teeth from increased external pressure. Custom-fit mouthguards provide more protection than pre-manufactured mouthguards since they are tailored just for you.

We hope this blog has helps you to make better choices about mouthguards. Looking for the best mouthguards in Winchester, VA? Book an appointment with us at Smiles Of Virginia if and enjoy our wide range of dental care procedures.

Know Everything Related To Brushing Technique

Brushing your teeth, combing your hair, washing your face — going through the motions of your normal schedule is part of the routine for you. However, are you brushing your teeth properly? Pay close attention to these details and follow our instructions to combat plaque, clean your teeth, and maintain a healthy smile.

Your pearly whites play an important part in everyday life, from breaking down food to toothy greeting smiles. The best dentists in Winchester have come up with the most effective brushing techniques. Give the sections below a diligent read to gather a detailed idea.

The Most Effective Brushing Techniques

Brushing your teeth removes plaque and bacteria that build up on teeth and around the gum line over time. Plaque can cause cavities, tooth decay, and even periodontal disease if it is not eliminated on a regular basis. Brushing your teeth properly can preserve your teeth from decay and illness. Follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Begin with your teeth’ outside surfaces. Please take your time! Brush your upper and lower teeth gently. Slowing down and not missing any areas can be achieved by going tooth by tooth.
  • Make a 45° angle using your brush. To remove any stuck plaque or food debris, brush toward the gum line. Short, tooth-wide strokes are used to gently move the brush back and forth.
  • Brush your teeth from the inside out. It’s easy to forgo cleaning the insides of your teeth since they aren’t as apparent, but these inner surfaces are just as sensitive to plaque. Brush back and forth at a 45° angle to clean the inside surfaces of the teeth.
  • Brush your teeth’ biting surfaces. Brush the tops of your back teeth, where food can easily get lodged, with short back and forth strokes.
  • Brush your teeth and clean your tongue. Brush your tongue to eradicate odor-causing bacteria for better breath.

Common Questions Related To Brushing

We have also provided you with answers to the common questions related to brushing. 

Q. How long should I wash my teeth and how often should I brush them?

A. Brush your teeth twice a day for a total of two minutes. Set a stopwatch or a timer to make sure you are paying adequate attention to your teeth.

Q. What kind of toothpaste should I use?

A. Plaque and food particles should be removed with a soft-bristled brush, according to the American Dental Association (ADA). A toothbrush with a narrow head will be able to reach all areas of the mouth more effectively. For those who have difficulties brushing or have limited manual dexterity, an electric toothbrush is a suitable alternative.

Q. Should I over brush my teeth ever?

A. Since you can overbrush, make sure you use a soft touch when brushing your teeth. Brushing too hard can cause abrasion, gum recession, and discomfort.

Q. What kind of toothbrush should be used?

A. Plaque and food particles should be removed with a soft-bristled brush, according to the American Dental Association (ADA). A toothbrush with a narrow head will be able to reach all areas of the mouth more effectively. For those who have difficulties brushing or have limited manual dexterity, an electric toothbrush is a suitable alternative.

Q. When should I replace my toothbrush?

A. Replace your toothbrush every three to four months or when it begins to show signs of wear, whichever occurs first. To avoid reinfection, change your toothbrush after an illness.

We hope that going through this blog has been really helpful to gather complete knowledge related to brushing. Though, brushing and flossing are sometimes considered not enough to have healthy teeth and gums. Always remember that oral hygiene is key to a perfect smile. In case you are looking for the best routine dental care services in Winchester, VA, book your appointment at Smiles Of Virginia. We are always here to help you out in every possible way. 


An Overview On Botox Treatment in Dentistry

Botox is probably something we’ve all heard about at some point in our lives. Many people use it to resolve cosmetic issues and maintain a youthful look. Botox is usually associated with beauty treatments. Did you know that dentists can also administer Botox injections? It’s also one of the safest ways to acquire fillers and injections. Let us find out how safe it is from our dentists at Smiles Of Virginia in this blog.

What Is Botox?

Before jumping into the other sections, one must gain a clear understanding of botox. Botulinum Toxin, also known as Botox, is an injectable drug used to treat several medical and aesthetic conditions. It promotes muscle relaxation and has been shown to help some patients who suffer from issues of migraines, bruxism, jaw clenching, and chronic muscle spasms. The effects of botox can last for up to 6 months.

Why Should You Get Botox From A Dentist?

Are you worried about the safety of the procedure? Your favorite Winchester dentist is well-trained and is highly equipped to administer such injections. Several reasons have been listed below that show why you should trust your dentist in Winchester with botox.

Helps To Prevent Premature Aging

Your Winchester dentist is the best person to consult about wrinkles. They can advise you on when to get your botox injections to prevent the development of wrinkles and to slow down the advancement. This will prevent your facial muscles from sagging and also make you look younger.

Helps To Treat Dental Issues

Other than addressing cosmetic problems, botox has also been known to treat several oral health conditions. Your dentist in Winchester will recommend you to go for Botox if you are suffering from severe cases of migraine, bruxism, and temporomandibular jaw joint disorders. Botox can also treat issues of gummy smiles and release tension around your eyes and your facial muscles.

Well-Trained For The Procedure

Dental care professionals have a good theoretical understanding of the anatomy of your face. They are the perfect people to deal with your individual needs because they have a thorough understanding of your facial muscles. They are also given specialized training so that they can be authorized to administer botox injections.

Highly Skilled

Our dentists are highly trained professionals with significant medical expertise. They have to undergo a rigorous qualification process and acquire a detailed understanding of your facial anatomy. They can also deal with any sudden complications that arise in your facial area. Dental care professionals usually perform several minimally invasive procedures throughout their careers. Hence, they are the best people to advise you and treat any issues related to the facial area.

Can Deal With Any Sort Of Complications

Getting Botox from someone who isn’t certified can be harmful. A simple procedure could turn into a complicated case. Dental care professionals, on the other hand, are well-versed with such procedures and are well-equipped to handle any complications.

Trained To Administer Injections

Injections are given by dental hygienists on a regular basis. This indicates that they are the most qualified to administer your botox injection. They will also ensure that the entire procedure is painless and swift.

We hope this blog has helped you to understand why you should get botox from a dentist. Looking for the best botox-related services in Winchester, VA? Book an appointment with us at Smiles Of Virginia today and enjoy quality dental care.

What is the significance of oral cancer screening?

The technique of discovering cancer before symptoms develop is known as screening. This can aid in the detection of cancer at an early stage. It may be easier to treat aberrant tissue or cancer if it is discovered early. Cancer may have spread by the time symptoms show. Mouth cancer is defined as any malignancy of the mouth. A dentist or dental hygienist will examine several parts of the mouth that you may not have considered. The screening includes your mouth cavity and any associated tissues, including the neck, sinuses, larynx, and pharynx.

What is oral cancer screening?

Before proceeding, here is an overview of oral cancer screening. Oral cancer screening is a procedure in which a dentist or doctor examines your mouth for symptoms of cancer or precancerous diseases. The objective of oral cancer screening is to detect mouth cancer as early as possible when there is a better possibility of a cure. During a normal dental visit, most dentists will examine your mouth to check for oral cancer. Certain dentists may employ additional tests to aid in the identification of areas of abnormal cells in your mouth.

Screening Devices for Oral Cancer

Your oral care professional may need to utilize specialized examination devices during an oral cancer screening. These are some examples:

  • An oral brush biopsy, extracts cells for testing in a painless manner.
  • A fluorescent light-based improved oral evaluation system tool for identifying questionable oral tissues.
  • An oral lesion screening that employs the use of a mouth rinse to aid in the visual examination of your mouth’s tissues.

Why is oral cancer screening done?

Oral cancer screening seeks to detect mouth cancer or precancerous lesions that may develop into mouth cancer at an early stage when the disease or lesions are easiest to remove and most likely to be treated. People at high risk of oral cancer may benefit more from screening, however, studies have not conclusively shown this. The following factors can increase the risk of developing mouth cancer:

  • Tobacco use in any form is prohibited, including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, and snuff.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Previous diagnosis of oral cancer

The number of persons diagnosed with mouth and throat cancers has been increasing in recent years, but the reason is unknown. Human papillomavirus, a sexually transmitted infection, is linked to an increasing number of these malignancies.

The necessity of oral cancer screenings 

The significance of early detection of oral cancer cannot be emphasized. With just two easy, non-invasive screenings every year, you can increase your chances of early identification and effective treatment. And because they’re already part of your routine checks, they couldn’t be simpler. While professional screenings are important, it’s also a good idea to keep an eye out for the following signs and symptoms between visits:

  • Any open sores or lesions that haven’t healed in two weeks.
  • Changes in your tone of voice.
  • Jaw stiffness or discomfort
  • You get the sensation that something is continuously trapped in your throat.
  • A lump or hump that has recently formed.
  • A throbbing sore throat that won’t go away.
  • Having difficulty chewing or swallowing.

We hope that this blog has provided you with proper knowledge about the importance of oral cancer screening. If you’re searching for the best oral cancer screening service in Winchester, VA, visit Smiles of Virginia. We provide a full range of dental procedures to meet all of your oral needs.

The significance of full mouth reconstruction.

Full mouth reconstruction is a dental speciality that focuses on complex dental conditions such as severely decaying, damaged, or worn teeth, as well as problematic bites that can interfere with speech and eating. To restore full health, form, and function, these oral issues necessitate a variety of delicate and sensitive reconstructive therapies. Full mouth restoration improves patients’ quality of life by transforming their oral health.

What is a Full Mouth Reconstruction?

A full mouth reconstruction often comprises a general and/or cosmetic dentist doing a variety of treatments in a patient’s mouth to make it look perfect while still operating regularly. This surgery is known as a whole mouth reconstruction since it incorporates more than one cosmetic dentistry procedure. These procedures often included dental bridges, dental crowns, fillings, dental implants, tooth extractions, veneers, and other procedures. In addition to dental operations, a whole mouth reconstruction is performed to repair and preserve the patient’s gums, ensuring total oral health in all aspects.

What Are the Common Reasons for Requiring Full Mouth Restorations?

Individuals with multiple oral health conditions may benefit from whole mouth restoration. While the reasons vary from patient to patient, the following are some of the most common:

  • Accidents or trauma that resulted in chipped, damaged, or missing teeth, as well as oral injuries.
  • Acid erosion or a systemic condition that resulted in badly damaged teeth
  • Congenital conditions that resulted in deformed, misshapen, or missing teeth.
  • Erosion caused the teeth to be worn down to a lower size.
  • Infection resulting in dental decay, gum disease, or tooth loss.
  • Malocclusion, or misalignment of the jaws, resulting in bite issues and recurrent jaw pain, tension headaches, or muscle pain.

What Are The Advantages Of Full Mouth Reconstruction?

  • A beautiful smile can be achieved with complete mouth reconstruction surgery, which can straighten crooked or misaligned teeth, whiten discoloured or yellow teeth, and even out gappy or gummy smiles.
  • Teeth and gums that are free of tooth decay and gum disease
  • Improved self-esteem and confidence cause your teeth will look and feel so much better!
  • You can eat, speak, and smile with confidence and ease if you have a completely functional set of teeth.
  • There is no need to avoid hard or chewy foods because you have full chewing power. Prepare to eat a varied and nutritious diet!
  • There are no more dental difficulties or flaws like missing, broken, damaged, infected, or crooked teeth are all entirely healed!
  • Improved quality of life because having a beautiful smile and good oral health can help you feel better about yourself and your life, as well as improve your connections with friends and family.

We hope this blog has helped you understand more about Full Mouth Reconstruction. A full mouth reconstruction can provide you with a fresh, healthy smile. So, if you’re searching for the best dental service for Full mouth reconstruction in Winchester, VA, come to Smiles of Virginia. Give us a call today!

Is Oral Hygiene a Key to a Perfect Smile?

Everyone wants to have a perfect and attractive smile. But, most people fail to realize that a lot goes behind having a shiny Hollywood smile. One such key factor in maintaining a proper oral hygiene routine. Dental care should begin at a very early age and continue till the last day of your life. Busy schedules and strict deadlines have made it almost impossible for people these days to invest both time and effort in oral care. Ignoring gums and teeth for a considerable span of time can be a reason for a nightmare in the future. Are you one such person who doesn’t go for regular dental checkups or does not brush at least twice a day? If yes then now is the time to act. 

The answer to the question mentioned in the title of this blog is “YES”. Oral hygiene can be the key to a perfect smile. Keeping this in mind, the best Winchester dentists have come up with effective tips to maintain proper oral hygiene. 

Tips to Maintain Your Oral Hygiene

Dental problems can easily be prevented by adopting a few preventive measures. We have provided the effective tips to maintain oral hygiene in the pointers below:

  • Brush regularly – You should not go to sleep before brushing your teeth. Brushing helps to get rid of the food particles stuck on the teeth and gums. Ignoring this step leads to the deposition of the remnant food particles and ultimately causes plaque buildup. Now, the plaque is basically a film-like substance that consists of harmful bacteria. It can harden into tartar with time. Brushing reduces the chances of plaque formation and as result helps to prevent dental problems i.e teeth decay, gum disease, etc. You should know the correct way to brush for great results. Firstly, buy a toothbrush that has soft bristles. Using hard bristles to brush your teeth can do serious damage to the enamel layer of your teeth and initiate tooth decay. Also, be very gentle while moving the toothbrush along your gum line and teeth. In case you suffer from the problem of tooth sensitivity, do get a toothpaste that is specifically made for sensitive teeth. Dentists advise brushing at least twice a day. Maintain a time gap of 30 minutes to 1 hour between having a meal and brushing. 
  • Do floss daily – You should never skip flossing. A piece of floss is a thread that can clean the areas in between your teeth and gums that cannot be reached by the toothbrush. So, flossing can be an effective way to get rid of plaque as well. You should floss regularly and make sure to do it before brushing your teeth. 
  • Use a mouthwash – Rinsing your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash can be an effective way of fighting against bacteria. There are different types of mouthwashes available in today’s time. You should buy the one that suits your oral requirements. If you get confused about which mouthwash to get, consult your dentist. 
  • You should eat healthily – You should avoid sugary and sticky food items in order to have healthy teeth. Are you wondering why? Well, the human mouth consists of harmful bacteria that thrive in the presence of sugar particles causing dental problems. On the other hand, try to include more fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. 
  • Drink water – Drinking an adequate amount of water is necessary to maintain a proper oral hygiene routine. Less intake of water causes dehydration which affects the production of saliva in your mouth. The primary functions of saliva are to wash away the food particles stuck to your gums and teeth and also fight against the bacteria. So, less saliva creates an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria in your mouth.

We hope that going through this blog gave you a better understanding of how to maintain your oral hygiene. Lastly, do visit your dentist for routine dental care, Contact Smiles of Virginia if you are looking for the best dental routine care in Winchester, VA. Our dentists and other dental professionals put in every effort to take proper care of your oral health. Schedule your visit today by giving us a call at (540) 450-2100.

7 Great Dental Hygiene Tips

Every individual wants to have a perfect smile. The reason behind it is pretty simple. An attractive smile not just gives you immense confidence but also has a positive effect on your overall appearance. But, have you ever thought about the need for maintaining proper oral hygiene in order to have a beautiful smile?

Well, if you haven’t then now is the time to do so. Smiles of Virginia Family Dental Center is providing you with 7 great dental hygiene tips. Adopting them can be the determining factor between you and a perfect smile. 

Proper Brushing

Brushing is the first and most important step that needs to be executed properly in order to take proper care of your teeth and gums. As you know, brushing helps to get rid of the food items stuck in between the teeth which in turn lessens the chances of plaque formation and mouth infection. Make sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day for a time span of 2 minutes. You should always get a toothbrush that has softer bristles. Brushing your teeth with hard bristles can cause teeth decay. Also, try to maintain a time gap of 30 minutes to 1 hour between having a meal and brushing your teeth. In case of sensitivity, use a toothpaste that is specifically made for sensitive teeth.


Flossing is equally important as brushing your teeth. This will help you to clean the areas which cannot be reached by your toothbrush. To sum up, in a sentence, flossing is a way of deep cleaning. Dentists advise flossing at least once a day before brushing teeth.

Avoid tobacco

Stop smoking or other ways of tobacco consumption is a must if you want to ensure oral hygiene. You need to realize that just a single vice or daily habit can make you suffer from oral cancer, periodontal complications, bad breath etc. So why put your oral health at stake when you can lead a healthy life by avoiding tobacco products? Time to think now if you haven’t already.

Cut down on the consumption of particular food items

You need to limit the consumption of acidic or sugary beverages and food items to take proper care of your teeth. Even if you eat or drink these food items and drinks, make sure to wash your mouth right after. There are certain infection-causing bacteria in your mouth that thrives on sugar. So cut down on the intake of these food items and try to include more foods and vegetables in your daily diet.

Consume dairy products

Did you know that consuming calcium can strengthen your bones and teeth? This is why dental professionals advise you to eat dairy products or drink milk. Vitamin D is also known to benefit the well-being of your gums and teeth. 

Use a mouthwash

It is advisable to use a mouthwash after flossing or brushing. Doing so will help you to fight against the infection-causing bacteria in your mouth. But, always remember that using a mouthwash will only be helpful if you execute the other dental hygiene steps on a regular basis. 

Visit a Dentist

You should definitely consult your dentist at least twice a year for the maintenance of proper oral hygiene. There are several dental hygiene treatments offered by dental clinics. You just need to select the best dental clinic nearby. Going for these checkups will help you prevent any serious dental troubles in the days ahead. You can contact Smiles of Virginia Family Dental Center if you are looking for the best dental care in Winchester, VA


We know that taking time out of your busy schedule to maintain oral hygiene can be difficult. But, your oral health is directly related to your physical health. Therefore, do not ignore taking care of your teeth and gums when there is time. Thank you. 

How Are Stroke And Oral Health Connected?

Taking care of your oral health is very important as the improper state of your gums and teeth can have a direct impact on your body. The growth of bacteria in the human mouth has been often linked to dementia, heart disease, diabetes, problems in pregnancy, stroke and dementia. But as you might have figured out from the title, in this blog we are going to discuss how oral health is connected to stroke. Therefore, if you have any confusion related to this topic, do give the sections below a thorough read.

What is a stroke?

Before talking about the topic in detail, you should at least have a basic understanding of what stroke is. It can be defined as a situation that is caused due to a blood vessel in your brain getting burst or a blood clot stopping the free flow of blood to your brain. You need to know that there are certain symptoms of a person experiencing a stroke. They are :

  • Slurring while talking
  • Weakness felt during arm movement
  • Drooping face

Stokes can happen to people belonging to almost all age groups. But, the probability is more in the case of people who are aged or the ones who make really bad lifestyle choices. 

The connection between Oral Health and Stroke

Stroke can occur due to gum diseases. The primary reason behind this is the inflammation that is caused due to gum problems. You need to know that the bacteria responsible for gum diseases can be the reason for mouth infection. This bacterial infection can get into your bloodstream and ultimately make your blood clot. You have read before that blood clotting can be a pivotal factor causing a stroke. 

How to prevent this problem?

Now that you have gained a clear understanding of the link between gum disease and stroke, let us talk about the tips to prevent the problem. The first thing is to be very careful to notice the first symptoms of gum diseases. They are:

  • Swollen gums
  • Reddishness in gums
  • Tenderness in gums
  • Bleeding spotted while flossing or brushing
  • Persistent bad breath
  • Formation of pus between gums and teeth

If you face any of these problems, there is nothing to worry about. Adopting a few precautions can help you prevent or even resolve such issues with ease. These tips have been provided in the pointers below:

  • It is advisable to brush your teeth at least twice a day. Doing so will help get rid of the food particles stuck in between your teeth and in turn, eliminate the chances of facing gum problems.
  • Make sure to floss regularly. Flossing helps to clean the areas where your toothbrush cannot reach. Do it at least once a day before brushing your teeth.
  • Use an antibacterial mouthwash to fight against the infection-causing bacteria.
  • You should definitely consult your dentist in case of any serious gum problems. Always remember that getting your oral health checked daily will increase the chances of any dental problem getting diagnosed at an early stage. Try to book an appointment at a dental clinic that accepts your dental insurance (if you have any).

We hope that going through the blog has been of effective health. In case of any further confusions related to the topic do not hesitate to entrust the best to your dental health. Smiles of Virginia Family Dental Center has a team of dedicated dentists and other professionals who work day and night to meet the requirements of the patients. We are waiting to serve you. Thank you.

Loose Fillings? Here Are Some Tips To Follow!

Dentists render you Dental fillings to fill your cavities and recover your decayed teeth. Fillings are sturdy that let your teeth to chew and grind, just like natural teeth. But, these fillings can also come loose at times.

How does a filling get damaged?

  • Tooth decay for  poor dental practices
  • A face trauma 
  • Teeth grinding or clenching
  • Allergic reaction to filling material 
  • Chewing or biting crunchy or hard food products

How to deal with a Broken/Loose Filling?

  1. Ease the sensitivity – Movement of the filling makes the site to turn sore, sensitive or irritated. When you wash your mouth with a warm salt solution, it can render you little relief. You can even put clove oil or apply an ice pack to numb your tooth. 
  2. Do not panic –Don’t panic whenever you face any oral troubles. Normally, fillings can be reapplied immediately. But do not wait too long to reach out to your dentist.
  3. Keep your mouth clean –When you have loose filling, the tooth cavity gets revealed. Therefore, it is highly crucial to keep your mouth clean. Also, avoid chewing from the same side of the mouth. Brush properly and wash your mouth after all your meals. Also gargle with antiseptic mouthwash.
  4. Call the dentist –If you find any signals of a loose filling, you should instantly call your dentist. Keep the filling with you so your dentist can decide whether it can be reused or be replaced. 

The dentist studies the site around the tooth and cavity fillings. This ensures that there has been no growth of bacteria and the infection hasn’t extended till the nerves of your teeth. Your dentist may have to prepare your tooth before applying a fresh filling. If not treated, you may require a root canal very soon. 

How to prevent a filling from coming loose?

Know that dental fillings are not permanent. They last between 2 and 10 years. But you can enhance the structural integrity and durability of your filling by taking a few precautions:

  • See a recognized and skilled dentist who will apply your filling that will last long. 
  • Don’t bite down and chew on hard stuff that could spoil your filling
  • Implement healthy oral regimen
  • See your dentist regularly to check the health of your fillings 
  • Opt for a dental onlay or a crown which is far more durable procedure of tooth restorations

Get the Help you need!

Let your trusted dentist recommend the best treatment plan for you! Now, if you’re looking for a ‘Dentist near mein Winchester, VA then surely reach us at Smiles of Virginia to receive tooth fillings. Your Dentist in Winchester will definitely help you restore your natural smile!

How To Take Care Of Your Teeth And Gums In Winter?

The months of winter require special care of your teeth and gums. It is the favorite of the years for many people all across the globe. But, fun and frolic come along with a lot of responsibilities. The cold months are also synonymous with flu, viral fever, cold and dental problems. The fall in the temperature level makes your teeth susceptible to issues such as cracks in your teeth and tooth sensitivity. You will be surprised to know that most of these oral problems can be avoided by adopting a few preventive measures. In this blog, we are going to discuss the tips that can be incorporated into your daily schedule during the cold months.

Schedule your appointment at the Dentist’s Office

Visiting a dental clinic on a regular basis is a must if you want to take care of your oral health. This is applicable for all the months of the year. Though, the need for getting your teeth and gums checked increases during the winter months. This gives the dental professionals a chance to diagnose the problems at the early stages which in turn helps to prevent serious issues in the near future. Therefore, it is high time for you to realize the importance of visiting a dentist. Book your appointment at a reliable dental clinic nearby.

Change the way you brush

You must have come across experts talking about the importance of flossing and brushing if one has to ensure his/her dental hygiene. But there are certain things you need to know to brush your teeth effectively. Always choose to get a toothbrush that has softer bristles. Brushing your teeth with hard bristles can do serious damage to the enamel layer and lead to teeth loss. If you are suffering from the problem of teeth sensitivity, do get a toothpaste that is specifically made for sensitive teeth. It is to be noted that there are places where a toothbrush cannot reach. This is where flossing comes into effect. Flossing at least twice a day will help you to get rid of the remnant food particles from between your teeth. This is a major tip to avoid the growth of infection-causing bacteria. Also, make sure to leave a gap of 30 minutes to 1 hour between having a meal and brushing your teeth.

Pay heed to your gums

As mentioned before, the cold chilly months of winter are ideal for diseases such as cold, flu, and fever. Unluckily, the germs and bacteria responsible for these problems can also be the reason for gum infection or gingivitis. Gum diseases have different stages. You are advised to look for the first signs of such problems i.e inflammation and redness. Keeping your hands and fingers away from the mouth can be of effective help to avoid gum infection. You can also choose an antibacterial mouthwash to fight against the infection-causing germs and bacteria.

Use a mouthguard

Using a mouthguard can act as a shield to protect your teeth and gums against the brutally cold weather. This will also lessen the risk of suffering from dental injuries that can be caused while participating in regular activities. You are advised to consult a dentist if you are confused about the usage of a mouthguard.

Drink an adequate amount of water

The consumption of water generally becomes less during the winter season. This can lead to dehydration that ultimately affects the production of saliva. One of the major functions of the saliva is to wash away the food particles in your mouth and also fight against the bacteria. Hence, less saliva creates an ideal circumstance for the growth of dental disease-causing bacteria. Drink plenty of water to keep your teeth and gums safe.


Keeping the tips mentioned above will definitely help you to avoid dental problems in winter. In case of serious disorders, do get in touch with a dental clinic. Finding a dentist is pretty easy in today’s time. All you gotta do is search “Best dentists near me” on the internet and you will get a list to choose from. If you are looking for the best dentists in Winchester, VA, contact Smiles of Virginia Family Dental Center. Here, you can undergo numerous top-quality dental treatments at an affordable price. Call us today.