All on 4 & 6

All-on-4 or All-on-6 dental implants are a highly esthetic and comfortable solution for anyone wishing to replace their denture or failing teeth with a fixed arch of teeth. Our Winchester VA Dental Implant Center only uses the highest top-quality dental implants and components backed by clinical research.
Dr. Oestervemb is our in-house implant dentist that focuses on complete full mouth rehabilitation and dental implants. He has been voted a top dentist by his peers 2015-2019 in Winchester, Virginia, and also voted best dental clinic in the Shenandoah Valley by Virginia Living Magazine. He has patients travelling from out of state to see him for implant treatment – there is no longer a need to leave the comfort of Winchester to have cutting edge implant treatment done.
With conventional implants, also called single tooth implants (click here to learn more), you need 12 implants to support the crowns replacing your missing teeth. This means the cost of treatment is very high. Conventional or traditional dental implant treatments also increase the likelihood of requiring a dental bone graft before implants can be placed. With an All-on-4 or All-on-6 dental implant procedure we only require 4 or 6 dental implants to secure a full arch of teeth.
When do you need an All-on-4 or All-on-6 treatment?
This procedure is for anyone who has
There is no evidence to suggest the success of dental implant treatment is affected by age, so this treatment is really for anyone. Even patients with osteoporosis and well controlled diabetics can often be treated.

What are alternatives to All-on-4 or All-on-6 Implant Treatment?

Traditional dental implant surgery with single tooth implants is an option, but it is more costly. Dr. Oestervemb performs these surgeries as well, if the patient desires the ultimate in full mouth rehabilitation. However, there is also less costly alternatives like:
What is the Procedure for an All-on-4 or All-on-6?
An initial consultation with Dr. Oestervemb at his Winchester, Virginia clinic is required. We will determine your suitability for the procedure, discuss with you in greater details the steps involved, and review your medical history for possible complications as well as sedation needs.
A Cone Beam CT scan (CBCT scan) is taken to show your jaw in 3 dimensions. Together, we will evaluate the condition of your jaws, the quantity and quality of your available bone, as well as your sinus’ and location of your nerves. Using the CT Scan data Dr. Oestervemb can then accurately plan the position of each dental implant before fabricating the surgical guide.
What is the success rate for All-on-4 and All-on-6 Dental Implants?
These are considered one of the most successful treatments to replace a full arch of teeth. Originally, a technique that was pioneered in the 90s, it has been extensively tried and tested. Clinical research has found that it is a good long-term solution. Especially for patients that otherwise often does not have any other good choice except being without teeth.
Are there any risks associated with the procedure?
When properly carried out, it can be a low risk procedure. But as with any surgery, there is always a risk of infection during healing. The same applies, if you fail to keep up with regular dental checkups, and you do not adequately keep the implants and full arch bridge clean.
What is the cost of treatment?
All-on-4 or All-on-6 is typically much more cost effective than conventional implant treatment, as it only requires 4 to 6 implants and bone grafting can often be avoided. Since Dr. Oestervemb does the whole procedure from start to finish in house, our fees are normally significantly less than if you have to see multiple dentist. One for the implant placement, and another dentist for the placement of the bridge. This is also more convenient for you as a patient as there is only 1 point of contact. Dr. Oestervemb offers free consults and always bases his price on your specific needs to help keep cost down as much as possible.
Doing the whole implant procedure form start to finish, combined with our 3D printing, and in house lab, that further help reduce cost, means we are very competitive on price. We invite you to come in with your price quote and get your free consult today.
What are advantages and disadvantages of All-on-four and All-on-six dental implant treatment?
1.) Advantages
2.) Disadvantages

How is it possible to place implants and give me teeth the same day?
The back implants are normally tilted to allow for longer implants and greater stability. We also rigidly fixate the implants together using your temporary teeth. Imagine a single fence post. By itself, it is easy to move. But, if you place 4 fence posts and connect them together with thick pieces of wood, they are rock solid.
Do you use a surgical guide for the procedure?
We always do a Cone Beam CT Scan that allows us to fabricate a surgical guide to ensure the implants are placed with the highest accuracy, while also allowing minimal incisions for less pain and swelling. Most dentist do not utilize surgical guides on a routine basis.
Do I get my final teeth the same day?

We place temporary teeth made of acrylic/plastic initially. You wear these during your healing period. Once the implants have finished integrating, we can make any adjustments if needed, to make sure your permanent porcelain teeth are just the way you want them. In very rare cases, if your bone is very soft, it is not possible to get teeth the same day and you will be wearing a regular denture during healing. However, this is incredibly rare.
Advantages of All-on-4® Dental Implants Compared to Dentures
Teeth in a Day®
Teeth in a Day®
What is the difference between All-on-4 and All-on-6 bridges and a locator denture?
An All-on-4 or All-on-6 dental implant bridge is where your bridge is held in place permanently by dental implants. Contrast this approach with implant supported dentures, also knows as locator or bar dentures, which use dental implants and your own existing bone and gums to hold the denture in place until you remove it to clean it.

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If you are tired of your dentures moving around or falling out, come in for an appointment so we can meet with you and see how we can help!