What Are The Advantages of Getting Sinus Lift?

What is Sinus Lift?

Our teeth are held together by the bones of our upper and lower jaw. The jawbones play a crucial role in helping us bite and chew various kinds of food. They also maintain the proper facial structure. Bone loss in the jaws is one of the very common oral issues. It happens for a wide range of reasons. The reasons can range from gum diseases to tumors and cysts in the jaws. 

Therefore, it is essential to provide an adequate amount of stimulation to the jawbones. Numerous people have lost a tooth in the upper or lower jaw which has resulted in bone loss. In these current times, any kind of dental issue can be solved like advanced orthodontic treatments like Sinus Lifts

But what is Sinus Lift? Sinus Lift can be defined as a dental procedure that is performed by dentists or orthodontists to improve the bone mass in the upper jaw of the patient. Now let us take a look at who are the possible candidates for this procedure. 

Who Is An Ideal Candidate for This Treatment?

If you are ever told by your dentist that you do not qualify for dental implants because of bone loss in the upper jaw, you can be a potential candidate for a sinus lift. Due to the position of our sinus cavity, it is very challenging for orthodontal surgeons to place dental implants in the rear end of our upper jaw. In addition, having these issues can also make you ideal for a sinus lift:

  • Having engorged sinuses.
  • Suffering severe facial injury or trauma.
  • Having an advanced stage of gum disease.
  • Tooth loss by accident.
  • Undergoing tooth extraction procedure on the upper jaw several times. 

The Advantages of Sinus Lift

There is no doubt about the importance of a sinus lift treatment and why it is required for some patients. Now let us get to know about the various advantages of the Sinus Lift treatment:

  • Lessens The Risk of Serious Damage In The Sinuses: If the wall of the maxillary sinus is too close to the upper section of the mouth or too thin, then inserting dental implants may cause severe damage to it. This issue can easily be solved by getting a sinus lift treatment.
  • Repairs Damage from Tooth Loss and Gum Disease: Sinus lift can make the jawbones stronger by adding more mass to it. In some of these sinus lift procedures, a natural or synthetic bone graft is used to replace the missing bone material.
  • It Makes Getting Dental Implants Possible: Sinus lifts opens a wide range of possibilities for patients suffering from bone loss in the jaws. It helps them to qualify for treatments like dental implants. 


Finally, we hope that our blog has helped you in knowing about sinus lift treatment and its advantages. If you need advanced dental services in Winchester, VA, then please visit our Winchester dentist at Smiles of Virginia Family Dental Center. We use advanced technology to treat a wide range of dental problems. 

7 Signs To Visit Your Emergency Dentist

Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere, and without any prior warning. Suppose you are playing baseball one minute and the very next minute you have a broken tooth. What would you do then? Rush to your emergency dentist and let them fix your tooth in no time. Take a look at this article to get a better insight on when to avail emergency dentistry services.

Dislodged tooth

A completely knocked-out permanent tooth can cause excruciating pain and is a major cause of concern. To manage the pain and reinsert the broken tooth you need to visit your emergency dentist without any delay. Steer far away from at-home remedies and treatments and let emergency dentistry do its magic.

Bleeding Gums

Mysterious bleeding could be an early sign of undiagnosed periodontal disease. If your gums are bleeding continuously and you are experiencing swelling and pain along with it, then rush to your dentist at your earliest convenience. Do not let the bleeding persist and treat it at its inception. 

Metallic taste in your Mouth

Does your mouth taste like metallic pennies? A sudden metallic taste in your mouth could indicate that your metallic fillings are damaged. It could cause serious damage to your oral health if left untreated. Save yourself from a potential root canal treatment. Visit your dentist immediately and prevent bacterial infection in your mouth 

Tremendous Toothache

If you are suffering from unexplained toothache and the pain is consistent then we would advise you to take the assistance of emergency dentistry services. If the pain is mild then you could wait it out and try home remedies. If the severity increases then rush to your nearest dental clinic. Pain coupled with fever and headache could be a sign of an abscessed tooth and requires immediate attention

Swollen jaw

An inflamed mouth could be caused due to several reasons. It could indicate an infection, gum disease, or sometimes be an early indicator of oral cancer. To ascertain the reason you should visit your emergency dentist and chalk up an effective treatment plan.

Loose Tooth

Your permanent pearly whites are not supposed to be moving once they have matured. Tooth mobility could be a symptom of serious underlying problems and it is better to choose emergency dental care in such situations. A quick oral exam or an x-ray can detect the problem and avoid further complications.

Persisting Canker Sore

Canker sores are small gashes inside your mouth. They are pretty common and aren’t usually a cause of concern. However, if they don’t heal in two weeks then it is time to visit your nearest dental clinic. Oftentimes, they could be the breeding ground for oral infections and you should avoid that at all costs.

Now that you know when to opt for emergency dentistry, feel free to reach out to our Emergency dentist in Winchester at Smiles of Virginia whenever required. If you are looking for emergency dental care around Winchester, VA then contact us without any hesitation and choose from our wide range of emergency dentistry services

Loose Fillings? Here Are Some Tips To Follow!

Dentists render you Dental fillings to fill your cavities and recover your decayed teeth. Fillings are sturdy that let your teeth to chew and grind, just like natural teeth. But, these fillings can also come loose at times.

How does a filling get damaged?

  • Tooth decay for  poor dental practices
  • A face trauma 
  • Teeth grinding or clenching
  • Allergic reaction to filling material 
  • Chewing or biting crunchy or hard food products

How to deal with a Broken/Loose Filling?

  1. Ease the sensitivity – Movement of the filling makes the site to turn sore, sensitive or irritated. When you wash your mouth with a warm salt solution, it can render you little relief. You can even put clove oil or apply an ice pack to numb your tooth. 
  2. Do not panic –Don’t panic whenever you face any oral troubles. Normally, fillings can be reapplied immediately. But do not wait too long to reach out to your dentist.
  3. Keep your mouth clean –When you have loose filling, the tooth cavity gets revealed. Therefore, it is highly crucial to keep your mouth clean. Also, avoid chewing from the same side of the mouth. Brush properly and wash your mouth after all your meals. Also gargle with antiseptic mouthwash.
  4. Call the dentist –If you find any signals of a loose filling, you should instantly call your dentist. Keep the filling with you so your dentist can decide whether it can be reused or be replaced. 

The dentist studies the site around the tooth and cavity fillings. This ensures that there has been no growth of bacteria and the infection hasn’t extended till the nerves of your teeth. Your dentist may have to prepare your tooth before applying a fresh filling. If not treated, you may require a root canal very soon. 

How to prevent a filling from coming loose?

Know that dental fillings are not permanent. They last between 2 and 10 years. But you can enhance the structural integrity and durability of your filling by taking a few precautions:

  • See a recognized and skilled dentist who will apply your filling that will last long. 
  • Don’t bite down and chew on hard stuff that could spoil your filling
  • Implement healthy oral regimen
  • See your dentist regularly to check the health of your fillings 
  • Opt for a dental onlay or a crown which is far more durable procedure of tooth restorations

Get the Help you need!

Let your trusted dentist recommend the best treatment plan for you! Now, if you’re looking for a ‘Dentist near mein Winchester, VA then surely reach us at Smiles of Virginia to receive tooth fillings. Your Dentist in Winchester will definitely help you restore your natural smile!

How To Take Care Of Your Teeth And Gums In Winter?

The months of winter require special care of your teeth and gums. It is the favorite of the years for many people all across the globe. But, fun and frolic come along with a lot of responsibilities. The cold months are also synonymous with flu, viral fever, cold and dental problems. The fall in the temperature level makes your teeth susceptible to issues such as cracks in your teeth and tooth sensitivity. You will be surprised to know that most of these oral problems can be avoided by adopting a few preventive measures. In this blog, we are going to discuss the tips that can be incorporated into your daily schedule during the cold months.

Schedule your appointment at the Dentist’s Office

Visiting a dental clinic on a regular basis is a must if you want to take care of your oral health. This is applicable for all the months of the year. Though, the need for getting your teeth and gums checked increases during the winter months. This gives the dental professionals a chance to diagnose the problems at the early stages which in turn helps to prevent serious issues in the near future. Therefore, it is high time for you to realize the importance of visiting a dentist. Book your appointment at a reliable dental clinic nearby.

Change the way you brush

You must have come across experts talking about the importance of flossing and brushing if one has to ensure his/her dental hygiene. But there are certain things you need to know to brush your teeth effectively. Always choose to get a toothbrush that has softer bristles. Brushing your teeth with hard bristles can do serious damage to the enamel layer and lead to teeth loss. If you are suffering from the problem of teeth sensitivity, do get a toothpaste that is specifically made for sensitive teeth. It is to be noted that there are places where a toothbrush cannot reach. This is where flossing comes into effect. Flossing at least twice a day will help you to get rid of the remnant food particles from between your teeth. This is a major tip to avoid the growth of infection-causing bacteria. Also, make sure to leave a gap of 30 minutes to 1 hour between having a meal and brushing your teeth.

Pay heed to your gums

As mentioned before, the cold chilly months of winter are ideal for diseases such as cold, flu, and fever. Unluckily, the germs and bacteria responsible for these problems can also be the reason for gum infection or gingivitis. Gum diseases have different stages. You are advised to look for the first signs of such problems i.e inflammation and redness. Keeping your hands and fingers away from the mouth can be of effective help to avoid gum infection. You can also choose an antibacterial mouthwash to fight against the infection-causing germs and bacteria.

Use a mouthguard

Using a mouthguard can act as a shield to protect your teeth and gums against the brutally cold weather. This will also lessen the risk of suffering from dental injuries that can be caused while participating in regular activities. You are advised to consult a dentist if you are confused about the usage of a mouthguard.

Drink an adequate amount of water

The consumption of water generally becomes less during the winter season. This can lead to dehydration that ultimately affects the production of saliva. One of the major functions of the saliva is to wash away the food particles in your mouth and also fight against the bacteria. Hence, less saliva creates an ideal circumstance for the growth of dental disease-causing bacteria. Drink plenty of water to keep your teeth and gums safe.


Keeping the tips mentioned above will definitely help you to avoid dental problems in winter. In case of serious disorders, do get in touch with a dental clinic. Finding a dentist is pretty easy in today’s time. All you gotta do is search “Best dentists near me” on the internet and you will get a list to choose from. If you are looking for the best dentists in Winchester, VA, contact Smiles of Virginia Family Dental Center. Here, you can undergo numerous top-quality dental treatments at an affordable price. Call us today.